To Do

  1. Write custom Java Output in PixelController for PixelPusher. Will eliminate the need for running the Art-Net Bridge that is converting e1.31 data to the PixelPusher. Existing Output files

  2. Add a physical button to Raspberry Pi to trigger a "sudo shutown now" so Pi is shutdown cleanly. Cutting power to Pi can corrupt the SD Card data.

  3. Create a ReactJS version of the web controls.

  4. Serve TouchOSC interface files from Blinkdom without the TouchOSC Editor running.

  5. Create a Fritzing Diagram of the Blinkdom system.

  6. Create more Blinkenlights animations.

  7. Publish ShopBot files and .DXFs to cut parts with CNC machines.

  8. Document the build process for other makers to create their own.